Snap & Grow Online Program

Tap into the potential of your people and raise their performance in 5 practical steps.

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What is Snap & Grow?

Snap & Grow is a targeted, practical, behavioural skill development program that works for virtual and site-based teams. It focuses on the interpersonal approaches needed to get the best out of people using key coaching principles, with the purpose of developing their mindset, capabilities and performance.  

Why do this course?

If you want to understand and grow your people you need to understand and grow yourself. Today’s business environment is rapidly changing.
The best leaders continually develop their self-awareness to ensure they are connected (sometimes anticipating) and adapting to what’s occurring in their environment to get the best outcomes through their people. 

Snap & Grow is your kick-start.

We work from your reality to help you reframe the interactions you have, develop skills that become habit and make the small changes that lead to big results. We’ll teach you how to use coaching principles and tools in a range of personal and professional situations.

What you’ll get out of your participation

  • Learn and apply the differences between Ask and Tell approaches to delivering through others
  • Coach in 10min – coaching principles and skills to develop potential in a 10min conversation
  • Build and lock in the most effective ways of getting commitment and results

Benefits to your people

  • Empowers individuals and encourages them to take responsibility
  • Increases employee engagement and job satisfaction
  • Improves productivity, individual performance and teamwork
  • Helps identify and develop potential
  • Helps reveal and work on individual strengths and development opportunities
  • Enhances employee-manager relationships

Snap and Grow is a targeted, practical, behavioural skill development program. The course focuses on the interpersonal skills required to utilise a coaching approach to leading people, with the purpose of developing their mindset, capabilities and performance.

What’s in the course

Snap & Grow is informative and practical, without eating into your valuable time. It’s structured to help you develop your skills immediately and continually. 

Within the interactive virtual classrooms you will be guided through the online content and be provided with virtual workplace assignments to build awareness, skills and confidence.

Step 1

Step 1

Online - join the community and get started

Step 2

Step 2

Interactive Virtual Classroom - the fundamentals

Step 3

Step 3

Workplace assignment and practice

Step 4

Step 4

Interactive Virtual Classroom - the next level

Step 5

Step 5

Practice and Completion

Step 1

Online - join the community and get started

60 mins

Get ready for personal change: 

  • Get familiar with your learning environment
  • Engage with the watch, read, listen  resources
  • Reflect on where you are at right now
  • Meet and reflect with other participants.

Step 2

Interactive Virtual Classroom - the fundamentals

90 mins

Delivered via Zoom, in this first interactive virtual classroom we will explore:

  • ‘What is coaching?’, ‘Why these 6 principles?’ and ‘Why should I coach?’
  • Working with conscious intent to access their potential
  • The dance of Ask vs Tell when to tell and when to ask and how to know the difference 
  • Questioning and listening as your fundamental coaching tools
  • What to practice in Step 3.

Step 3

Workplace assignment and practice

60 mins

Activities to put learning into practice

  • Practice using questioning tool in targeted work situations 
  • Self-reflection questions to capture insights
  • Connect with others in the discussion forum

Step 4

Interactive Virtual Classroom - the next level

90 mins

In this virtual classroom we will: 

  • Combine our learning for collective strength – unpack Step 3 insights (intent, potential, questioning and listening)
  • Support AND Challenge – Getting the most value out of your questions to raise the bar
  • Coach in 10min! Anchor intent and questions with structure – GROW practice 
  • Be real – overcome challenges in taking a coaching approach

Step 5

Practice and Completion

60-90 mins

Activities to get to certification 

  • Practice coaching tools in targeted work situations 
  • Discussion forum on reflections to lock in learning
  • Online assessment to complete the course
  • Complete feedback survey
  • Receive your certificate and badge

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We believe in developing leadership consciousness – a lifelong generative process for learning to be the best possible leader you can be.

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